Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clients that get away

Every now and then - or rather more than I'd like to admit - I find myself having to do some spec work to snare a client. I've played into the hands of the viral tendency of competing for larger prizes than would be available for regular work. I've devoted a preposterous amount of my valuable time doing speculative work on sites like crowdspring, logotournament and 99designs, only to have the prize snatched away at the last second (not to say that these gigs have been without benefit - to become a no-spec advocate, you're either a professional seeing your revenue decline, or someone who's dabbled in the den of iniquity)

This here preview sheet was also done to entice the omniscient client to award me the project. As is so often the case he brazenly ignored it and the whole thing fell through. **Weep**

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