Friday, April 16, 2010

STOP! Banner Time

The blog header is finally complete. I wanted a unique and fun concept that had people asking questions. Questions such as "what's with the starfleet guy?", and "why are they lounging around in that bit of rolling paper?".

I find that I am finally much more inclined to take risks and employ the full tweaking capabilities at my disposal. I used to be quite averse to this. It felt like I was cheating or depleting my innate ability to deliver. As if even undoing was the realm of satan. Fuck that! It's a new world, and pinkies and large penises are on their way out.

The design was going to be in full glorious color, but as I wanted the focus to be on the pet alien and the officer, I decided to knock the color out and only hint at the presence of my inquiring face in the background. It seems to have worked well here.

Just a side note: the crown on the rolling paper refers to my favorite brand. They're available in Turkey for a fraction of the price of better known brands. But here's the rub. They lack the gum that allows you to roll a ciggy and keep it shut. So the trick is to wet one end and tear little bits off before you lick and close up. I've met someone who was able to explain the physics of this process. He'd had one too many that night.

1 comment:

  1. Uiiiiiii, it's the actual you up there! How sweet is that!!!
