Thursday, July 22, 2010

Doggy spec work

Trawling the depths of other freelance sites now after vWorker (formerly known as has, I am convinced, effected some sort of backend function to shut me out. Bid upon bid is not getting through to buyers and I'm losing out to talentless and hungry third-worlders in their droves. To get a foot up on these new venues, I'm doing some spec work to earn a little street cred. While I loathe it, I'm convinced that half of all labor currently under employment on planet earth somehow makes time between their arduous tasks to design a logo here and a banner there, perhaps being cut so much slack that they're even able to muster up a full-color painting by day's end. Where have these people come from? Poverty! Take their PC's and their motivation away or I'll never make rent at this rate.

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