Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stationery Week

Yes, it's stationery week! And that can only mean one thing. Money! Tons of it. I mean what do you think we're doing out here. -- Pulled from the memoirs of Sam Rothstein

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Ah, business. The state of being busy. The upside is that you're whiling the time away without effort. If you're in the zone, you can beat depression, grief, and anything else that might be snappin' at your ass. This has been a dreary and awful year for me. And yet my output has been somewhat unexpectedly prolific. Thriving neath pendulous dark clouds is not a trait I thought I had, but it's nice to know I have a little salmon in me. Today we're Rockin'.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Woe is me

After a spin kick to the teeth from istock yesterday, I am trudging on. Three of the four files I had submitted just before the weekend went in the bin. This is very discouraging. I stand by my output and believe it to be considerably better than a sizable portion of the vectors produced on istock (albeit, there are some masterful contributors) People seem to be getting away with atrocious submissions, e.g. really badly auto-traced photos, amateur cartoons with poor stance and silhouettes, pathetic line weights, naive uses of gradients etc. So I thought I'd clean up some of my earlier work and make it legacy compatible to avoid the upload-rage.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Holiday Stock

Still churning out some possible candidates for stock uploads. Here be some design elements that just felt they needed to get away from it all. And they did.

Monsters and Swirls

I'm getting my istock phreak on of late. Emboldened (as a terrorist), I have once again resorted to increasing my iota of a share from the site. This comes and goes when I'm browsing categories for inspiration and I come across a simple shiny web 2.0 candy apple icon that says: Downloads >12000 (tally it up on a calculator and you'll quit your day job) Funny thing is that once the F5 overhaul of the site went into effect, my downloads just came to a complete standstill. I will have to read up on what new features they've installed. For all I know there may be a default "I'm just a fucking idiot, please don't index my files" feature.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Now for some 3D

Walking amongst some of the 3d renders and illustrations posted on istock, I thought that modeling might be an easy way in for an image application contributor (not having an SLR). I've been an istock illustrator for a while now, but have always had my heart set on the flexibility that being able to submit raster images would provide. So I'm trying to come up with some novel yet simple ideas that may go down well during the sample uploading phase.