Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rolling Hysteria

Here's a puerile little exercise in mock-publishing. May or may not contain some in-jokes. Names have been smeared and reputations tarnished to piss off the innocent.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pioneer One

Just watched Pioneer One. Not exactly ground breaking stuff, but not lagging behind your average network show either. It's definitely promising for something wholly funded by netizens. However, as pilots go, I am getting a little tired of things entering the atmosphere and NSA agents running around with complementary ear pieces as a keynote to the buildup to grindingly transformative hooplah of the highest order

Friday, June 11, 2010

Design Pays

As most people whom I drag over to read this blog will know, I recently won the grand prize in a t-shirt competition and added an apple macbook pro to my arsenal. Despite feeling acute nausea every time Steve Jobs speaks of the "magical", I have to admit that this machine has it together. That's not saying much, mind, when you're running a largely closed operation with so much control over all the ins and outs. I'm not even sure I've even heard of Apple ever getting any flack over shipping software together with their machines. For crap's sake, they've only quite recently allowed Windows to grace their la-dee-dah harddrives. SO WHERE'S THE ANTI-TRUST SUIT??

I digress. Here's me with some outlandishly expensive machined aluminium.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pomegranate - Music Fruit

Here's something that took me the better part of zillions of hours. Mostly because I was playing by ear and couldn't quite decide which elements to include. Sometimes you get trapped in a painting. What was it Picasso used to say. "You feel me?". TO THE FRUIT BAR!