Friday, April 20, 2012

Birault Tech

As I was trying my best to circumvent the boring work currently on hand, I immersed myself in the step-by-step painting process of the great Serge Birault - a man who's all about pinups. I've eschewed the soft edged brush for years now, believing that it was a sure fire way to make the final product appear flat. But his technique says otherwise. I gave it a whirl myself after laying down a slapdash sketch so that I could jump straight into the painting side of things.. I'm quite pleased with what can be done. I'll get to painting over a more advanced sketch later. Funz!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Cast

Just recently I was commissioned by a friend to create a poster for an idea they were planning on pitching in order to receive financing. I'm currently unable to post the final artwork here due to confidentiality issues. But the cast of characters created for the presentation shouldn't pose a problem. This was both fun and lucrative.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Ewar Woowar

As you may already know, Edward Woodward found himself the butt of a joke some years ago. Someone took away the letters that most prominently feature in his name and he, in turn, DIED. I'd just like to say I don't agree with what was done to the Big EQ. I frown on it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Back in time

A little hard surface modeling from back in the day. Some might say this was left unfinished. Lieutenant, those people are already dead. Kapow!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Whaddya do when the city's come to a cottony standstill. You #standinyourrender. Shitchyeah!

Fort or Fart?

Original hand lettering with a bit of 3d and post in PS and blah blah blah.

Friday, February 3, 2012


After a few modifications. The angle from which the photo of the snowcat was taken didn't lend itself well to a level viewpoint. Some perspective changes have been made to remedy that. I also have a soft spot for warmer palettes, but that just wouldn't do here.

An outstanding frigid feline sculpt by H of Southcott, quickly taken into the Photoshop Shambles and dealt with in a multi-layered manner. Think radioactive onions, only more so. Fab cat, fab comp!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Penguin on a Cup

A project I just finished up for a client on C.spring. Smooth, affable, picture perfect finish. What more do you need?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ho ho ho

Is it a broken clock or a minute hand trying to catch up? A deal saver, et tu Brute (after Brutus joins the slew of dinner-party cancellations)?


Friday, September 16, 2011

Sea Life

Thinking I could get through an entire range of sea dwellers - as called for by the client's brief - I jumped in a few hours ago with much aplomb but managed only to churn out this jovial duo. My lids are drooping so I guess this will have to be banished to the archives or finished off later. Either way, the client can scram!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hit me up with $$

The panhandling goes on. My latest bank statement's lit a fire under me, so a prompt rejuvenation of my finances is called for. Not that these are sure-fire solutions, but thank heavens for the intarweb.